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Webassign Homework Answers Calculus 2: Learn from the Experts at Cengage


Graphing calculators: TI 82, 83, 84, 84 plus, 85 or 86 are recommended and may be used on quizzes and exams. Models TI-89 and above (including TI-Nspire) ARE NOT permitted on the exams or quizzes.Homework and WebAssign:WebAssign Homework: To access the WebAssign homework you will have to go through HuksyCT single sign-on. On the course page for Math 1060Q, you will find a link to do your homework using WebAssign. There will usually be 2-3 homework assignments per week. Each assignment will be made available on WebAssign several days before the section is covered in class. The due date for each assignment will generally be two or three days after the material is covered in class. You will get five attempts for each question that is not multiple choice; the exact number of attempts for multiple choice questions will depend on the number of choices. After each attempt, you will be told whether your answer is correct or not. If you are not able to get the correct answer after your initial attempts, we recommend that you seek help from your instructor, your TA (if applicable), the Q-Center, a tutor, or another student. When accessing your online homework, use Firefox or Chrome as your browser; there are problems that can occur if you use Internet Explorer or Safari. See the document here for tips on using WebAssign, including entering answers and finding useful settings.

webassign homework answers calculus 2

The semester grades will be available shortly. Your total score for the semester is computed out of 500 points: total percentage of homework+quiz together (100pts) + midterm I (100pts) + midterm II (100pts) + final exam (200pts).The letter grade cutoffs are as follows: A: 400 and up A-: 390-399 B+:380-389 B: 310-379 B-:300-309 C+:290-299 C: 240 -289 C-: 200-239 D: 100-199 F: below 100 In borderline cases, the grades of some students were bumped up at the discretion of the instructor. A student could be bumped up if he or she demonstraed a lot of effort in the course, submitted good homeworks, and was active in recitations. Final Exam locations : the test is given in four separate rooms. Please make sure you go to the room assigned for your recitation's exam. (This is NOT the room where recitation is held.) R01, R02, R03 (recitation instructors Shuyuan Tang, Zili Zhang, Harrison Pugh) Frey 100 R04, R05, R11 (recitation instructors Larry Bordowitz, Ying Chi, Lorenzo Foscolo) Earth & Space 001 R06, R08, R09 (recitation instructors Roman Gayduk, Mahmoud Abd-El-Hafez, Joe Thurman) Harriman 137 R07, R10 (recitation instructor Mark Hughes) Old Engineering 145 Final Exam Review will be given by a MLC member onTuesday, Dec 10, 5:30 -- 8:00pm in Old Engineering 143. What's on the test? The final exam is cumulative. The final exam covers everything we studied this semester. This includes: -most of Chapter 5 (excluding 5.8 and trigonometry in 5.7); the first several sections will not be emphasizedbut are needed for the rest of material. - sections 6.1-6.5 and the Work part of 6.6. The rest of 6.6 and 6.7, 6.8 are NOT included.- sections 7.1-7.5 of Chapter 7; additionally, notes on the second-order equations. (Complex numbers are needed to solve some 2nd order equations, but won't be separately tested.)- All of Chapter 8 (with the exception of the binomial series and some minor topic not studied in class). Here is a description of exam question topics.The best preparation for the final exam is to go over the midterm exams and past homeworks. Going over extra exercises from the textbook (especially those in the end-of-chapter reviews) is helpful. Make sure you can explain all your answers, not just write a solution. As in the previous exams, you will have to explain and illustrate the methods of solution. (Unexplained answers won't get much credit on the test.) Thisreference page will be given to you on the test. Final Exam Rules: Calculators are not allowed.All electronic devices (except watches) must be turned off.In particular, cell phones are not allowed. If you take your cellphoneout for any reason (even just to check the time), you will be asked to turnin your exam paper and to leave the room.Notes, textbooks, etc. are not allowed. Only the test paper andpens/pencil/eraser should be on your desk.No consultations with others. Please raise your hand if you have anyquestions.Bathroom breaks will be allowed since the test is 2.5 hrs long, but strict rules will be enforced. Please use the restroom BEFORE the test starts. Midterm II materials: some comments and common mistakes.Here is a detailed description of possible exam questions along with a hundred or so questions from the book that you can use for extra practice. Going over past homeworks is an excellent way to prepare, too. Practice versions of old homeworks are available on WebAssign, but if you use WebAssign, please make sure you can explain all answers. (As always, unexplained answers won't get much credit on the test.) While you have to understand everything we studied in class, you do not have to memorize every formula. This reference page will be given to you on the test. Midterm I is now graded. Your score is in the Blackboard (or will appear there shortly). Exams will be returned in recitations. We keep records of your scores rather than letter grades, but here are approximate letter grade guidelines to help you understand your score:>85 A 81-84 A- 65-80 B (B+ toward the top of the range) 50-64 C (B-/C+ at the top of this range) 40-49 C-

  • Final exam on Friday, December 19. The exam is from 8 to 10am and will take place in our regular classroom.

  • To prepare of the final exam, go over the summary, which contains links to the handwritten class notes and to the slides used in class. Make sure you understand the material and how the various topics are connected to one another.

  • Review all homework assignments, quizzes, labs, and exams.

  • Review problems (on WebAssign)Review for Final Exam - True/False questions contains true/false questions on some of the material discussed this semester.

  • Review of Chapter 7 contains extra (not previously assigned) problems on Chapter 7 of the Calculus textbook.

  • Modeling contains problems on modeling questions and can therefore be used as a review of solution methods for differential equations.

  • Read Sections 11.1 through 11.7 of the Calculus book. You should feel comfortable with all of this material.

  • Recall that the answers to odd-numbered problems are at the back of both textbooks. You can try to work out some of these problems if you need more practice on a given topic.

  • As usual, do not hesitate to ask (by email or during office hours) if you have any question.

  • Due Sunday, September 28: Submit two conceptual (clicker-type) questions related to the material discussed in Sections 2.1 and 2.4 of the Differential Equations book. The questions are due at noon on Sunday. To submit your questions, go to D2L, log in, follow the link to this course, and select the quiz called Reading Assignment 3.

  • Due Friday, October 3: Slope Fields Lab. This will be started in class. Work out all of the problems in detail and type up your answers. You may do calculations by hand, scan (or photograph) them, and embed them into your paper. In order to complete this assignment, you will have to familiarize yourself with DFIELD and MATLAB. This will be the homework assignment for this week. There will be no quiz on Friday 10/3. Upload your papers in the D2L drop box called Slope Fields Lab. It will close at midnight on October 3rd.Lab solutions

On Tuesdays and Thursdays you will meet with a Teaching Assistant in a smaller group. This gives you a chance to get more of your questions answered. Thursday's quiz section will be 80 minutes long so that, in addition to getting help with your homework, there will be time for a worksheet that you can work on while the TA circulates and answers questions. Most weeks there will be a quiz on Tuesday. The midterm exams will be held in Quiz Section.

Honor Code As members of the Notre Dame community, we will not tolerate academic dishonesty. The Honor Code is in effect for all exams. You may not talk about an exam to anyone who has not already taken it until the answers are posted on the website. This includes people who are not taking the course! Violations will not be tolerated and will be prosecuted! The check above for details about the Honor Code and homework.

WebAssign: WebAssign is an interactive, online homework system that permits students to practice working calculus problems. Students get their own version of each problem and they may submit answers until they get the problem right or failed 100 times. Each WebAssign assignment is due by a specific date and time. The WebAssign assignments must be done on line.

Learning goals: The successful student should understand the fundamentals of differential and integral calculus and should be able to solve problems similar to those in the suggested homework, the webwork, and the worked examples from the text.

Graders will grade the written homework promptly, and solutions will be made available on the course website. Graders will be expecting you to express your ideas clearly, legibly, and completely, often requiring complete English sentences rather than merely just a long string of equations or unconnected mathematical expressions. This means you could lose points for unexplained answers. 2ff7e9595c

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