This type of essay is all about employing historiography, or the the study of how history has been written about. In the essay, you analyze a topic or subject in history to examine how it is discussed or argued by various authors.
historiography essay topics
Instead, the goal of the essay is to analyze the differences in how a historical topic or subject is treated and to discuss possible reasons for such differences (including the impact of such opinions).
To explore additional topics:To explore additional topics (broader, narrower, or entirely different than those below), follow these steps: Open the library catalog; click "Exact Search" in the blue toolbar; type Historiography; and click "subject." A list of topics will be displayed; use the Backward and Forward buttons in the blue toolbar to browse, then click on a subject to view a list of books.
For topics that are of wide interest, you may be able to find an essay that reviews the literature on that topic, and that sets it in context by discussing how other historians have approached that topic. This kind of essay is invaluable when you are starting a research project. There are two easy ways to find them:
History Compass is an online journal that publishes historiographic essays. If there is an essay on your topic, it can be an excellent place to start. Caution: if you do not find what you need with your first search, you will need to scroll to the bottom of the search results page and click on Modify Search to start a new search within History Compass. Otherwise, you will need to specify that you want to search only this journal and not the entire list of Blackwell online journals
America: History & Life and Historical AbstractsIn both of these bibliographic databases, "historiography" is a Subject. For example, in AHL, to find historiography on the American Civil war, do a Subject search for:civil war historiography
A good historiography will present this information in a way that shows the connections between these major works. For example, does one work respond to an argument set out in another? Does it expand on that argument or disagree with it? A good historiography will also situate the author's work within the dialogue, explaining whether his or her thesis builds on or rejects the work that has come before.
The following sample search strategies in 3 databases of history secondary sources available in EbscoHost (ex. America: History & Life; History of Science Technology and Medicine; Historical Abstracts) are a quick way to find historiographical essays.
Scholars who work with the same historical records and archival materials can often come away from their research with vastly different opinions about why things happened the way they did. In some cases, historians who study the same sources are not even interested in the same topics or people! This variety of approaches is precisely why we write historiographies.
Writing historiography is a lot like writing a literature review. For this reason, many of the links and resources in this LibGuide will direct you towards existing Library resources for writing literature reviews.
Like most history papers, the historiography follows a traditional essay structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The major difference is that the analysis focuses on the secondary sources, as opposed to the primary sources.
In this case, the historiography of a topic is the sum total of the interpretations of a specific topic written by past and current historians. This allows historians and scholars to talk about "the state of the historiography" at a point in time, or to "add historiography" to a paper to make it more complete.
In this usage, a historiography or historiographical paper is an analysis of the interpretations of a specific topic written by past historians. Specifically, a historiography identifies influential thinkers and reveals the shape of the scholarly debate on a particular subject.
"The historiography of the decision to use the atomic bomb on Hiroshima changed over the years as new research questioned the former consensus view that the decision to drop the atomic bomb was predicated on the necessity to save American lives."
Marine Corps History journal is seeking submissions of essays exploring the historiography of the Marine Corps, examining the extant sources and the shape of scholarly debate on specific events or actions or on broader general history topics.
Historiography is the study of the methods and conclusions of historians concerning a specific topic. Mastering historiography is a foundational activity of graduate education in history and related fields. This guide provides suggestions to find already written historiographies and to gather sources to write such an original historiographical essay. The tools and suggestions here are only starting points. Please contact me if you need additional assistance.
Historiographies are rarely published as monographs. Most are articles, essays or book chapters. One of the best methods to find this type of scholarship is via a scholarly index. The two man indexes for historical research are America, History and Life (United States and Canada) and Historical Abstracts (the rest of the world). The two keywords that retrieve this type of material are "historiograph*" (the * will return all words starting with that root) and "review essay." Enter these in one line and use the Boolean connector "or" between them. In the next line type the desired subject. If the initial search does not work, broaden the term.
There are no journals devoted to historiography. There are a few journals that run historiographical essays frequently. For those interested in American history, Reviews in American History is always worth the effort.
The majority of historiography is published in scholarly journals.Still, it is worth searching the KU Catalog for relevant monograph sources. Use the advanced search screen to search "historiography" and the relevant subject.
The article presents a partial historiographical review of the history of women, science, and medicine, a prolific, heterogeneous field of studies that intersects politically with feminism and has been written mostly by women. This survey presents the main streams of thought in the field, which established itself in the second half of the twentieth century. It also describes the historical context in which this scholarship was produced, the topics that were defined, and the field's theoretical references, sources, and research problems. Given the vastness of this scholarship, the article focuses on writings in the English language, particularly the most expressive approaches and theoretical and methodological contributions.
There are several useful strategies for coming up with a topic. The easiest method is to use one of your assigned readings; adopt the topic that the author covers as your own. You can use their bibliography as the starting point for the historiography (especially if they critique previous positions), and branch out from there.
Historiography, according to Dr. Edward Ayers' definition, is the "history of history, the history of writing about history." Instead of writing a research paper on the battles of the American Revolution, historiographical essays analyze the research other historians have done on this subject. An historiographical essay will answer the same questions listed above as a guideline to write book reviews, but will answer these questions for each author being compared. Historiographical essays answer the following fundamental questions unique to historiography as a method of history: What are the general arguments that are repeated in historical literature on the subject? What are points of agreement or disagreement? If many of the same sources are used by multiple authors, how does the way in which the sources are used differ?
An example of an historiographical essay can be found here. Note: For this essay, the assignment called for a comparison between two specific authors, Stark and Castelli, and thus it was not necessary to introduce the authors as much as you would want to if the authors were not designated in the assignment.
The idea of a revolution that started modern science goes back to Immanuel Kant's preface to the second edition of his Critique of Pure Reason.5 This view of a revolution in science during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries held sway in the historiography for about 200 years.6 This traditional narrative privileged the discoveries in physics and astronomy that reaffirmed the
5H. Floris Cohen, The Scientific Revolution: A HistoriographicalInquiry (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994) gave a critical outline of the historiography of the concept of a scientific revolution.
Mordechai Feingold wrote about Jesuits as typical seventeenth-century "savants" who "were quite open and adventurous in their discussions despite the suspicions that such exchanges, especially with 'heretics,' could elicit."i9 He suggested that much modern science made its way into their teaching, noting "not a few Jesuits incorporated" the very controversial subject of atomism "into their lectures.'^0 Feingold's fine collection of essays on various aspects of Jesuit science, Jesuit Science and the Republic of Letters, has chapters on some of the major Jesuit scholars (Ugo Baldini on Christoph Clavius, Alfredo Dinis on Giambattista Riccioli, Paula Findlen on Athanasius Kircher), scientific controversies of the times (Edward Grant on cosmology, William A. Wallace on Jesuits and Galileo, Roger Ariew on Jesuits and Descartes), patronage (Martha Baldwin on Jesuit book production), and lesser studied areas of Europe (Victor Navarro on Spain, G.H.W. Vanpaemel on the Low Countries). Augustin Udias compiled a list of the Jesuit astronomical observatories and their directors around the world both before and after the suppression,21 a breathtaking testament to the interest of members of the Society in astronomy. 2ff7e9595c